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tala – account

Tanngnjóstr – Teeth-Grinder. One of the goats that pulls Thor’s chariot, along with Tanngrisnir.

Tanngrisnir – Teeth-Barer. One of the goats that pulls Thor’s chariot, along with Tanngnjóstr.

Thor – god of thunder and lightning. Husband of Sif. Son of Óðin and Jörð. Father of Móði, Magni, Þrúðr, and stepfather of Ullr. Weilder of Mjölnir.

tilkváma – consequence

tírr – honour. One of the Nine Noble Virtues.

Týr – God. God of war, law, and heroic glory. Son of Óðin, or possibly the jötunn Hymir. He sacrifices his hand so that Fenrir can be bound.








Þjálfi – Serving Elf. A farmer’s son who becomes a servant of Thor/Þórr, along with his sister Röskva.

Þjazi – jötunn who kidnapped Idunn and the golden apples. Son of Ölvaldi. Brother of Iði and Gangr. Father of Skaði. Killed by the Æsir.

þjó – thigh

Þökk – Thanks. Loki in disguise as a jötunn. Refuses to weep for Baldr, condemning him to remain in Hel.

þÇ«kk – thanks

þolmoði – perseverance. One of the Nine Noble Virtues.

Þórr – god of thunder and lightning. Husband of Sif. Son of Óðin and Jörð. Father of Móði, Magni, Þrúðr, and stepfather of Ullr. Weilder of Mjölnir.

þræll – thrall

þriði – third

þrir – three

Þrúðheimr – World of Strength. The realm of Thor in Asgard, where his hall Bilskírnir is located.

Þrúðr – Strength. Daughter of Thor and Sif. Sister of Móði, Magni, and stepsister of Ullr. Promised to the dwarf Alvis, who is outwitted by her father.

Þrúðr – valkyrja who serves the einherjar. May or may not be the same as Thor’s daughter.

Þrymr – Uproar. A king of the frost giants. Steals Thor’s hammer and ransom’s it for the hand of Freya. Thor and Loki attend the wedding dressed in drag and end up killing Þrymr and everyone at the wedding.

Þrymheimr – Thunder Home. The hall of Skaði, inherited from her father, Þjazi. Located in Jötunheimr.

þúsund – thousand

þykkr – thick

þyrstr – thirsty


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