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Afi – Great Grandfather. Ancestor of the peasant class.

Agnar – Elder son of Hraudung, King of the Goths.

Ai – Great Grandfather. Ancestor of the serf class.

akarn – acorn

aldr – age

Álfheim / Álfheimr – home of the light elves. One of the Nine Worlds.

Alsviðr – All Swift. One of the two horses that pulls the sun.

Alvíss – All Knowing. Dwarf outwitted by Thor and turned to stone.

Amma – Grandmother. Ancestor of the peasant class.

andlat – death

Andvari – Careful One. Dwarf who’s treasure hoard was taken from him by Loki to pay Ótter’s ransom.

Angrboða – Distress Bringer. Jötunn mother of Fenrir, Jörmungandr, and Hel.

argr – cowardly

Amsvartnir – Pitch Black. Lake which contains Lyngvi, the island where Fenrir is bound.

Árvakr – Early Awake. One of the two horses that pulls the sun.

ás, áss – The gods of Asgard.

Ásgard – home of the gods. One of the Nine Worlds.

Ask – Ash. Name of the first man created by Óðin, Vili, and Vé.

askr – ash

atlaga – attack

Auðumbla – second being to spring to life in Ginnungagap, after Ýmir. She nurished Ýmir and licked Búri into existence out of the ice.

Aurgelmir – another name for Ýmir.






Ægir – Sea. Jötunn god of the sea. Husband of Rán. A friend of the gods of Asgard.

Æsir – the gods of Asgard.



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