The Norwegian language is richer and more nuanced than even most Norwegians are aware of. One example is synonyms for the word “kvinne” (English: woman). Here is a selection of 40 words and what qualities they are associated with. The synonyms are also translated directly into English, where possible.

Berte: Young, single and vain
Brud: Bride, but also used about a young, attractive girl
Burugle: Less attractive, simple minded
Elskerinne: Mistress
Enke: Widow
Frille: Old Norse word for “mistress” or “extra wife”
Fristerinne: Temptress; seductive, low sexual morals, younger
Fruentimmer: Strict, high morals, faithful (older) wife
Frøken: Miss; young, conservative
Heks: Witch; willful, strong, dangerous
Hespetre: Willful, angry and slightly evil
Hoppe: “Filly”; vigorous, attractive, young
Hulder: A supernatural female being with a cow’s tale, according to Norwegian folk tradition; alluring, dangerous with a wild, attractive exterior
Hurpe: Bitch
Husmor: Housewife
Hustru: Wife
Jente: Girl
Jentunge: Young girl
Jomfru: Virgin
Jåle: Too much makeup, self-centered
Kjeftsmelle: Fussy, always yelling at someone
Kjerring: Origins from the word “kjerling”; “a woman of the people”. Can be used both positively and negatively; spouse and/or bitch.
Kjerringemne: ”Good wife material”
Konemor: Another word for spouse; stout, faithful
Kvige: “Heifer”; solid, stable and younger female
Kvinnfolk: A real woman
Megge: Bitch; cheeky, vicious, somewhat older
Mor: Mother
Møy: Maiden; pretty, young, unmarried
Pike: “Jente” (girl), spoken by older people
Rivjern: “Grater”; strong, stubborn, argumentative
Rødstrømpe: “Red stocking”; women’s rights activist, socialist, often associated with a social worker
Røy: Vulgar, untidy, older
Skreppe: Scantily dressed, young and easy
Snelle: “Reel”; young, sweet and easy going
Tispe: ”Bitch”; rude and easy
Trulte: Chubby, cheerful, simple
Tulle: A small, sweet baby girl
Tøs: Will try ”everything” (at least) once
Viv: Faithful wife