The Scandinavian countries are in front when it comes to gender equality, so it is also natural to present a selection of 40 synonyms for the word “mann” (English: man).

Here is a selection of 40 words and what qualities they are associated with. The synonyms are also translated directly into English, where possible.
Bamse: ”Bear”; solid, stable, protective, kind
Barsking: ”Butch”; tough, attractive, big
Bestefar: Grandpa
Drittsekk: ”Shit bag”; bastard, not trustworthy, betrayer
Dumrian: Silly, simple
Fatter: Dad, old man
Feiging: Coward
Flørt: Flirt, player
Frier: Trying to get a woman’s attention and get her to bed / marry her
Fyr: Bloke
Gamling: Old man
Grabukk: Horny bastard
Grinebiter: Grumpy, grouch, negative
Gris: Pig
Gubbe: Old man, stubborn, dogged
Gutt: Boy
Hannrei: Bachelor, young, outgoing, flirty
Horebukk: “Whore buck”; goes to bed with everybody, all the time
Jålebukk: Dandy, concerned about own appearance
Kakse: Rich snob, posh, arrogant
Kall: Old man, traditional, from rural Norway
Kar: Man, nice, traditional
Kavaler: Partner
Kjekkas: Good-looking, younger
Konge: “King”; authoritarian, in control
Kylling: “Chicken”; week, coward
Mann: Man, male
Mannfolk: Manfolk
Mannebein: ”Man’s leg”; attractive, collectible
Mygg: ”Mosquito”; skinny, weak, coward
Møkkamann: Shit bag, bastard, not trustworthy
Mørkemann: ”Man of Darkness”; religious, manipulative, dangerous
Nisse: ”Gnome”; idiot, simple
Ridder: Knight
Rundbrenner: Male whore
Slendrian: Sloppy, lazy
Småtass: Little fellow, also little kid
Stut: ”Bull”; stupid, arrogant, violent
Tøffing: Butch, risk-taker
Viking: Tuff, steady, masculine, explorer